Civil Society Scholar Awards, 2020-21
PhD ကျောင်းသားများတွက် Civil Society Scholar Awards ပညာသင်ဆုပါ။
The Civil Society Scholar Awards (CSSA) support doctoral students and university faculty to undertake academic projects that will enrich socially-engaged research and critical scholarship in their home country or region.
CSSA will prioritize research applications addressing issues related to defense against rising authoritarianism; sustainable development, climate action, and mitigating the effects of climate change; economic justice and worker rights; information democracy; and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on an applicant’s home country or region.
Eligibility Criteria
The awards are open to the following academic populations:
doctoral students of eligible fields studying at accredited universities inside or outside of their home country
full-time faculty members (must have a minimum of a master’s degree) teaching at universities in their home country
Deadline - 22 July, 2020
Online Application -
Scholarship link -