1) AMA Scholarships for International Students at Korea
2) 3 Masters and PhD Scholarships at Mobile Computing Lab at Chosun University, South Korea ( http://www.nairaland.com/…/3-phd-masters-scholarships-mobile ) ( http://www.chosun.ac.kr/user/indexSub.do… )
3) Global Korea Scholarship(GKS)
( https://www.studyinkorea.go.kr/en/sub/gks/allnew_invite.do )
4) Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology (DGIST) ( https://www.dgist.ac.kr/iadm/ )
5) Scholarship for Asian Students in Korea (POSCO TJ Park Foundation) ( http://www.postf.org/en/page/asia/scholar.do )
6) Graduate Studies Fellowship Programs (Korea Foundation) ( https://en.kf.or.kr/?menuno=3793 )
7) Daewoong Foundation Scholarship Program for International Students (Daewoong Foundation) ( http://kinsa.org/?p=13327 )
8 ) Samsung Scholarship Foundation ( http://eng.sdream.or.kr/ )
9) Pencil Scholarship Foundation ( http://www.pensaf.or.kr/ )
10) Hansaeyes24 Foundation ( http://hansaeyes24foundation.com/ )
11) Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Korea ( http://ks.hufs.ac.kr/?page_id=1931&ckattempt=1 )
All about Korean higher education and Universities